Dear Client,
the following “Information on personal data processing (also known as “Privacy Policy”) describes the policies and practices of VITALE BARBERIS CANONICO S.p.a (“VITALE BARBERIS CANONICO“, hereinafter also referred to as “VBC”), in relation to the collection and use of personal data for Users of our VBC sites (or for a User within corporate social media for example LinkedIn) and clarifies their rights.
Within the expressed values of the Code of Ethics of VBC, there is also that of Privacy and with respect to European Legislation (Reg. EU 679/16, hereafter also refers to “GDPR”, the topic of personal data protection. VBC strives continuously to pursue these values, therefore from time to time this policy is updated where there are new changes to the processing of your personal data.
The following policy is applicable in particular to the following internet sites:
and the following subdomains:
for which VITALE BARBERIS CANONICO is The Data Controller.
For simplicity, whenever we refer to the Site in this Privacy Policy, it is intended to be one of those sites or subdomains listed above.
Further, this information is also provided for the purposes of the social share buttons inserted in the pages of VBC Site and in relation to VBC corporate pages in the following social media channels: Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, Instagram and Spotify.
(The information is not to be considered valid for other web sites that can be accessed through links present in the internet domain(s) of the Data Controller, who is not to be considered in any way responsible for the websites of third parties).
The Site is divided in different sections to allow you to browse depending on your needs (e.g. search for fabrics or nearby tailors) also for getting in contact or to submit your application in the Careers section. For the sake of clarity, we summarize the data below, divided by purpose.
By simply browsing the site, VBC website collects personal data relating to your navigation (such as IP addresses or domain names of the computers used by the Users who connect to the Site, addresses in URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) notation of the requested resources, time of the request, the method used to submit the request to the server, the size of the file obtained in response, the numerical code indicating the status of the response given by the server (successful, error, etc.) and other parameters relating to the operating system and the User’s computer environment) as well as keeping track of your consent and all that is expressly provided for in the “Cookie Policy” information to which reference is made.
Furthermore, in the “Contacts – Client services” section of the Site, each User, even though not yet a customer of VBC, can fill out a form to get in touch with the company. For this purpose, some personal data of the User are required and in particular: name, surname, company to which they belong (if applicable), address, postcode, city, country, email address and telephone number, which will be processed in compliance with the purposes specified below and on the basis of what is specified in this information.
The cutting section “Contacts – Cutting Service” of the Site, if clicked by the User to request fabric cuts, will direct the User to another company specialized in fabric cut lengths (Drapers S.r.l.) which is fully owned by VBC and for which however VBC is not liable for any reason since that company is an independent Data Controller in the processing of personal data carried out on its own site. In this specific section, VBC collects only personal data relating to your navigation on the site (e.g. technical cookies).
In the section “Find our fabrics”, by inputting the city that you have chosen, you can find the nearest shop, tailor or drapery.
Furthermore, by using the function “use my current location”, the Site will search for the nearest shop, tailor or drapery based on the city detected.
In this section, the personal data collected are those relating to your navigation on the Site and the city you entered or, if you use the function “use my current position”, the temporary location of the city detected from the browser you use (once the browser is closed, this information is automatically deleted).
In a particular section of the Site, “Contacts – Careers”, it is possible for you to submit your Curriculum Vitae to apply for a job and to become part of the Company’s staff.
In order to allow the research and selection of personnel, for current and future positions in our company, this section allows you to enter your personal data, e-mail address, telephone number and the additional information requested and highlighted in the form (personal data, level of education, known languages, past work experiences, whether you belong to special categories data subject, willingness to carry out internships, how you have come to know of our company).
In particular, VBC requests that you indicate only the necessary data in your curriculum to evaluate your application, refraining from entering personal data relating to health or, in general, other data belonging to the so-called “Special categories”, such as, for example, data revealing your religious beliefs, political opinions, etc., which are to be indicated only where it is strictly necessary.
If you decide to insert images or videos with links to an external platform (YouTube, Dropbox, etc.), VBC is not liable in any way for the choice of the platforms used. (VBC invites you to choose platforms that are compliant with GDPR and to inquire about your rights prior to choosing them).
When you visit the VBC website, your browser is asked to store a small data file (text file) called a “cookie” on your device to remember the information processed about you, such as the preferences you have expressed (e.g. when selecting a fabric). You will find the complete information on cookies fully available here as well as information on how you can accept or reject cookies and change the setting of your preferences at any time.
With the subdomains and or by clicking on “play” on page you can play by inserting clouds of “21 Micron wool” inside a container (the more you insert, the longer the fabric it will produce virtually). In this case, the only cookies installed will be of a technical nature, unless the User decides to accept others. You will find the complete information on cookies fully available here as well as information on how you can accept or reject cookies and change the setting of your preferences at any time.
At the bottom of the pages of our VBC Site, there are social buttons that refer, once clicked, to the VBC company pages present in the platforms: Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, Instagram and Spotify (Weibo and Wechat for this site)
The button in question refers simply to Social Media. The data of the User will not be transmitted when the buttons are clicked.
VBC has chosen to be present on these platforms to better communicate with our own Users to make our own brand and our own products known also to new Users who are potentially interested in them. Users can share texts, photos, videos and other types of information and / or content within some social channels and it is their responsibility to ensure that the content they publish complies with the current regulations in place and in general maintaining courtesy and respect with each other.
Generally, these platforms collect, once you enter their pages, cookies and data relating to your navigation, therefore, once you are in their pages, it is advisable that you read their information as they often also process personal data abroad, considering they are not on Italian platforms or European, but they are generically and internationally known.
This is a summary of VBC’s presence on Social Media.
The page Facebook Vitale Barberis Canonico is managed by VBC on a technical platform belonging to Facebook Ireland Ltd., 4 – Grand Canal Square, Grand Canal Harbour, Dublin 2 (“Facebook”).
Below is information on how data is processed on the VBC Facebook page (8.1.1) and the information published by Facebook relating to the processing of personal data by Facebook (8.1.2).
If you are registered with Facebook with your own account, you can send a message to VBC on Facebook by clicking on the “send message” button. These messages cannot be seen by other Facebook users. VBC uses the personal data that are reported in these messages exclusively to respond to User messages. The legal basis for the processing of this data is the legitimate interest according to art. 6, par. 1, letter f) of the GDPR. The message is deleted once your request has been answered unless it is kept for legitimate corporate interest to protect its rights.
VBC also uses the “Facebook Insights” feature, which offers statistical information on the use of VBC Facebook page and is provided by Facebook (refer to 8.2 for more details).
In addition to the processing of personal data specified here, VBC has no influence or power over the processing of personal data in relation to the use of the Vitale Barberis Canonico Facebook page. Therefore, it should be noted that the User uses the VBC Facebook site and its functions under their own responsibility. This applies in particular to the use of interactive functions (e.g., comment, share, like).
When you visit the VBC Facebook page, Facebook records the details (in particular as part of the “Facebook Insights” function) collected in relation to a visit or interaction of people on or with the VBC Facebook page and its content. Details of the specific data collected can be found here .
To comply with GDPR requirements, Facebook has defined here, that the manager of the Site, which is VBC in this case, is a Joint Data Controller together with Facebook Ireland. It is also confirmed that Facebook Ireland assumes primary responsibility under the GDPR (EU Reg. 679/16) for the processing of personal data and is responsible for fulfilling the obligations relating to the rights of the data subjects.
You can find the Policy on Facebook’s cookies at this address:
Facebook’s information on personal data can be viewed at this address:
The data the User enters on the Social Media platforms, such as comments, videos, photos, likes, public messages, etc., are published by the Social Media platform and are never used or processed by VBC for other purposes. VBC simply reserves the right to delete the contents, at its own sole discretion and where necessary or VBC believes that it is contrary to morality, its own image or could harm the rights of others. If applicable, VBC shares content on its own Site if such a function is offered by the Social Media platform and VBC communicates with the Users through the platform. The data are processed in the interest of VBC’s work in the area of public relations and communication.
If you wish to restrict a specific type of data processing that VBC can directly carry out, you can send a communication to VBC (see contacts for Data Controller) in order to allow VBC to evaluate the matter.
If the request were to be made on the Social Media platform, VBC can direct it to other secure communication channels that guarantee confidentiality, depending on the response requested. Confidential requests can always be sent by sending them to the address indicated in this statement.
VBC has limited means of influencing and cannot disable the statistics that the Social Media platform provider makes available. However, it should be noted that they are aggregate data.
Again, for transparency, it should be noted that these platforms usually collect cookies and navigation and usage data. This is a summary of official VBC accounts and the information provided by the platforms themselves. The official VBC accounts and information provided by the platforms themselves are summarised below.
The official LinkedIn account of VBC is:
Personal data collected: Cookies and browsing and usage data.
Place of processing: USA –
The official Instagram account of VBC is:
Personal data collected: Cookies and browsing and usage data.
Place of processing: USA –
The official YouTube account of VBC is:
Personal data collected: Cookies and browsing and usage data.
Place of processing: USA –
The official Spotify account of VBC is:
Personal data collected: Cookies and browsing and usage data.
Place of processing: USA –
Any content or opinions other than those accounts specified above are the responsibility of the individual author concerned and do not reflect the opinion of VBC. VBC is not responsible for such third-party content. As Social Media posts may contain links, please note that VBC is not responsible for the content of websites that it does not manage itself.
Further, VBC cannot be held responsible for any information provided on its Social Media channels that are incorrect and incomplete.
Our activities on Social Media are generally carried out during our normal working hours (Rome – Italy time zone). Therefore, there may be delays in replying to message(s) sent by the User from a different time / time zone.
The Data Controller is Vitale Barberis Canonico S.p.A , a limited company incorporated in Italy, with registered address in Italy, 13835 Valdilana (BI) – Via Diagonale, 296, Fraz. Pratrivero, REA no. 127914 P. VAT no. 01225120029. Any request in relation to the processing of personal data through its Site should be addressed to the Data Controller by way of e-mail to the following address:
The data may also be processed, on behalf of VBC, by external parties designated as Data Processor and sub-Processor, to whom adequate operating instructions are given. These subjects are essentially included in the following categories:
The personal data provided may also be disclosed to other recipients, as Processors acting under the authority of the Data Controller and the Data Processor, for the purposes set out in the “legal basis of the processing and purpose” section).
In particular, personal data may be disclosed to subjects within the Company for the execution of the following activities: maintenance and development of the network and IT infrastructure – management of e-mails, management of websites; marketing, sales, production for commercial orders/requests, personal area for job applications, administrative area for any administrative and tax obligations related to Users’ requests, as well as to the competent authorities for compliance with legal obligations and / or provisions of public organizations, upon request.
VBC uses social buttons on the Site, i.e. digital buttons or links for direct link with the Social Media platforms configured in each “button”. With a click on these buttons, it is possible to interact directly with the accounts (social pages) of VBC.
The managers of Social Media to which the buttons refer are the independent Data Controllers.
If the services of these third-party platforms are activated (e.g. social buttons of LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook, Spotify, or playing YouTube videos, etc.), the User is advised to pay attention to their privacy policies before requesting services not controlled by VBC. Information on how to manage and disable the related cookies can be found on the Social Media platforms and with regards to those on the VBC Site, in the appropriate “Cookie Policy”.
To comply with GDPR requirements, Facebook has defined here, that the manager of the Site, which is VBC in this case, is a Joint Data Controller together with Facebook Ireland. It is also confirmed that Facebook Ireland assumes primary responsibility under the GDPR (EU Reg. 679/16) for the processing of personal data and is responsible for fulfilling the obligations relating to the rights of the data subjects. VBC considers other platforms independent Data Controllers (it is possible to find detailed information for each use of the platforms in this information).
The legal basis for the processing of Personal Data differs depending on the purpose. In particular:
“Careers” Section
If VBC responds to your submission of curriculum vitae, all the personal data that you indicate in the specific page of the “Careers” section of the Site, including through attachments, will be processed for pre-contractual and contractual purposes for the sole purpose of evaluating your possible recruitment.
VBC asks that you indicate only the necessary data in your curriculum to evaluate your application, refraining from entering personal data relating to health or, in general, other data belonging to the so-called “special categories”, such as, for example, data revealing your religious beliefs, political opinions, etc., which are to be indicated only where it is strictly necessary. If you enter such data on the on-line forms or these data are present in other documents sent by you voluntarily, VBC invites you to express your consent to the processing of this data, by ticking the box at the bottom of the information that you will find on the same page in which you fill in the form.
If you decide to insert images or videos with links to an external platform (YouTube, Dropbox, etc.), VBC is not liable in any way for the choice of the platforms used. We invite you to choose platforms that are compliant with GDPR and secure.
The provision of the data is optional, however your refusal to provide them will make it impossible for the Data Controller to process your data and consequently, preventing successful submission of the curriculum and / or application of your interest and therefore to perform any selection. The personal data you voluntarily enter, by filling in the on-line form above when making your application, will be stored in a database exclusively for the purposes indicated above and for a period permitted by the relevant legislation; access to this application will be allowed only to the company personnel in charge and the Data Processors for support services (e.g. companies that offer technological platform services, software maintainers, external personnel selection companies), bound by confidentiality and security of the data with a contract. Data processing will take place exclusively within the European Union.
Purchases made through order on the Site, Internet site or email
In the case of purchase through an order made through the Site by sending an email or filling out a form, the personal data collected (typically name, surname, email, physical address, company, role, telephone number and type of purchase that you wish to order) will be processed to fulfil the contractual supply that you have requested from us as well as to carry out the related administrative, accounting and tax obligations (mandatory data for the final execution of the fabric purchase).
In general, you can choose the setting of collection activity of your information as you wish, except for some technical information (“technical cookies”) which, if not provided, would result in the non-use of the site service. (For details on cookies, please refer to the specific “Cookie Policy”).
Your registration on the Site and / or any requests for information or services on your part may involve the collection and subsequent further processing of your personal data (such as name, surname, postal and e-mail address, password, age, date of birth, sex, image, profession, etc. and everything you enter in the relevant sections explained in this information). In particular, the collection of your Personal Data may take place for the purposes indicated below.
If you decide to submit your application on the specific page of the “Careers” section of the Site to the attention of VBC in order to be evaluated to become part of the Company, sending photos and videos, an option that VBC provides for these purposes and in order to allow VBC to fully evaluate your application and in the manner described above, the basis of lawfulness will instead be consent.
VBC will also collect all the data that you voluntarily decide to enter in the fields on the form itself.
VBC asks that you indicate only the necessary data in your curriculum to evaluate your application, refraining from entering personal data relating to health or, in general, other data belonging to the so-called “special categories”, such as, for example, data revealing your religious beliefs, political opinions, etc., which are to be indicated only where it is strictly necessary.
You can also, if you wish and always optionally, allow VBC to process the data relating to your image (photos and videos) for the same purposes, by entering them in the form.
In this case, if you decide to insert images or videos with links to an external platform (YouTube, Dropbox, etc.), VBC is not liable in any way for the choice of the platforms used. We invite you to choose platforms that are compliant with GDPR and secure.
In the “Contacts – Clien
t services” section of the Site, each User, even though not yet a customer of our VBC company, can fill out a form to get in touch with the company. For this purpose, some personal data of the User are required and in particular: name, surname, company to which they belong (if applicable), address, postcode, city, country, email address and telephone number, which will be processed solely for the purpose of responding to your request.
In the event that you have omitted the provision of one or more mandatory Personal data, an error message from VBC will appear with a list of the missing mandatory Personal data.
By browsing on the Site and / or accessing certain sections of the Site, this may result in the collection and subsequent further processing of your Personal Data by VBC. In fact, when connecting to the Site, the computer systems, and the software necessary for their operation, administer cookies when you request certain services (for example, to view a video on our Site or YouTube) the Site requires the installation of an explicit “cookie”). You may find all the information on cookies in the “Cookie Policy” at the bottom of each page of the Site
VBC uses Matomo Analytics to install, subject to your consent, IP address and analytical cookies which permit VBC to count the number of visits and traffic sources to be able to measure and improve the performance of the Site. These cookies provide information on which pages are the most and least popular and to see how visitors navigate the Site.
Matomo is an application for tracking online visits to our websites and display reports on these visits for analysis. Matomo from the Innocraft Ltd, a company based in New Zealand but whose Matomo Cloud service (processor) required by VBC is delivered from Germany.
The data processed by Matomo also include:
and are only processed by VBC and our web hosting platform.
VBC uses “Wechat” to publish, on its own channel, information on products and company activities that are readable to Users who follow the VBC account and who are registered on the platform. Users can subscribe to the channel and unsubscribe with complete autonomy. The personal data processed depend on the settings set by the parties involved themselves, who can exercise, always autonomously, the concealment of their mobile number, and the use of pseudonyms, by means of a specific modification of the Wechat and Weibo parameters. Through its Data Processors, therefore, VBC can access the list of subscribers and processes the aggregate data deriving from the reading of its publications on Wechat (title, publication date, views, shares, new followers, % of views, % of Users who have read the entire nl) and the Insights (statistics) on content sharing. Further information on Wechat and Weibo can be found in paragraph 3 point 5 of this Policy.
Personal data are processed for the legitimate interest of our company for the following purposes:
By browsing on the Site and / or accessing certain sections of the Site, this may result in the collection and subsequent further processing of your Personal Data by VBC. In fact, when connecting to the Site, the computer systems and software necessary for their operation automatically and indirectly administer and/or acquire certain information (such as, for example, so-called “Technical cookies”, as specified in the “Cookie Policy”, “IP” addresses, even if anonymised by the Matomo service, domain names of the computers used by Users who connect to the Site, the addresses of the requested resources in “Url” notation, the time of the request to the server).
Please be aware that the “cutting service” present in the “Contacts – Cutting Service” page, if it is of interest, will be carried out by another company “Drapers S.r.l” which is a subsidiary of VBC but is an independent Data Controller for the processing of the personal data that you will enter in order to carry out the service that you want to request if you click on the cutting service (fabric cutting) section. Therefore, VBC does not collect personal information relating to that service from its own site and is not responsible for that service in any way.
If VBC responds to your explicit request for information regarding VBC’s activity, VBC deems it to act in its own legitimate interest, including for marketing activities aimed at how to best respond to your needs for this purpose and / or responding to your requests of interest to VBC’s products in any way and by any means received.
In particular, VBC in this case will process your Personal Data exclusively to contact you in relation to your request expressed through any social network in which VBC is present (e.g. LinkedIn, Facebook, Spotify, Instagram, YouTube, etc.) or those collected through the publication of contributions (as defined below) by you, the content of which may include your Personal Data provided directly by you, on Social Media managed independently by third parties (independent Data Controllers), such as, by way of example and not exhaustive, Facebook, LinkedIn, Wechat, etc. (hereinafter “Social Media”). By “contributions” we mean the images, comments, effect phrases associated with the subject matter of the Site or other VBC messages sent through the aforementioned social networks, the contents and any other information produced by you and published on the Social Media pages dedicated to
VBC fabrics, including the image that you eventually provide. The publication of the contributions can also take place through a pseudonym (“nickname”) chosen by you in the aforementioned Social Media and possibly to the image that you have associated with your nickname.
If the User uses the Wechat chat platform, VBC, also through their own Data Processors, the data processing carried out includes the User name (or nickname used), the profile picture, the description of the profile, gender, language, mobile phone number, the content of the chats between the User and the VBC and possibly the “likes” inserted, the comments published and the posts shared as well as some personal data whose transmission is implicit in the use of Internet communication protocols, which the computer systems acquire during their normal operation, such as IP addresses and other parameters relating to the device used by the User and how the User became aware of the brand profile (referral) .
These data are used in order to obtain anonymous statistical information on the use of the web page and to allow it to function correctly.
Without prejudice to the provisions elsewhere in this Privacy Information, in no case will VBC make the personal data of Users accessible to other Users and / or third parties.
Your personal data may be processed for the activities carried out on your purchase preferences expressed through your explicit requests sent by filling in the forms on the VBC Site and / or through messages sent through the Social Media you use to which VBC will respond for this purpose.
Your personal data may be the subject of statistical activities carried out on your previous purchase choices and / or on your expressions of interest in purchasing expressed by browsing the VBC Site (aggregate data relating to the pages visited) or by means of direct and explicit requests received by filling in the form or other messages received via social media (including optional data for making the purchase).
If necessary, to ascertain, exercise and / or defend the rights of the Company in court (also with reference to credit recovery in relation to a purchase started with the compilation of an order made by filling in a form on the Site or sending an e-mail message or any other contact made through other social networks with which it has sent communications to VBC) and in the case of legal disputes, VBC may also process your personal data for legitimate interest (and keep them in the case of judicial dispute, for the entire duration of the same, until the deadlines for appealing actions are exhausted).
Finally, personal data (e.g. log files) could also be used to ascertain responsibility in the event of hypothetical cyber-crimes against the Site.
VBC is keen to make all potentially interested Users understand the value of its fabrics known for their traditional and prestigious quality and beauty. Therefore, and for this reason, VBC carries out targeting activities to market our products to specific market segments or to understand the interest of Users on certain topics related to VBC products or company philosophy (e.g. fabric traceability) through some social platforms (e.g. Facebook). VBC does not collect personal information on a single individual, but can, through the collection of aggregate data, for example, obtain information relating to the interest of Users after making a new communication transmitted via social platforms. This information is divided according to the gender, nationality, language used by the browser, the interests of the Users, the number of actions, the impressions, the number of people who perform an action and the average of daily impressions.
“LinkedIn” also informs, again at a statistical level, on visitors to the pages viewed, divided by sectors, by profession, by company size.
From social networks, VBC also receives statistics on Users’ clicks on a social page that leads them to VBC (referral) through “Matomo Analytics”, functions, to understand how visitors interact with the apps and sites themselves.
It also integrates with Google Ads, allowing you to review the performance of online advertising campaigns by tracking Site visits and the queries performed by users in the Google search engine. This data can in fact be statistically deduced by the Matomo Analytics service only from the use of the service itself. More information on the Google Ads service as an independent data controller is available here
In addition to the pages visited, the collected data may also include, by way of example but not limited to, the domain names and the type of browser of the computers used to connect to the Site, the URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) addresses of the resources. requests, the time of the request, parameters regarding the operating system and the IT environment you use.
The data collected in the manner set out above are used by Matomo for the purpose of tracing and examining the use of the Site, compiling reports on its activities which can be viewed by the authorized Site operators and providing other services relating to the activities of the Site and Internet usage.
Google (regarding functionality related to YouTube) states that it uses a tool that anonymises IP addresses, truncating them within the territory of EU member states and the European Economic Area.
Google may also use the data to contextualize and personalize the advertisements of its own advertising network. The administrators of our Site and VBC as Data Controller cannot in any way connect the data collected with your identity, either directly or indirectly.
In fact, the information it obtains from this VBC service only reports aggregate statistics divided by:
– sessions, page views, average session duration, pages per session
– Social Media: Users from Facebook, Naver, Instagram, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Instagram stories, YouTube, Reddit, Blogger.
VBC is also present in the “Naver” platform which is a search engine widely used especially in South Korea. Users who communicate using the same platform can find information about VBC and its products through bloggers present there with their followers. The services are provided by Naver Co., Ltd. based in Bundang-gu Seongnam-si in South Korea (and by its affiliated companies) as indicated in the privacy policy of their Site, which can be found here, where details to exercise their rights on the processing of personal data are also reported. VBC receives from its Data Processors on Naver only personal data of an aggregate type from statistical services and the transmission of advertising messages by entering the Naver search engine.
On all the platforms used (Matomo Analytics) VBC receives and processes only statistically aggregated data that do not identify Users.
The provision of personal data which, on the form in the Site Section, are marked with an asterisk is mandatory. Failing that, VBC will not be able to contact you to process your request.
In particular, in the “Careers” section, if you do not consent to the processing of your personal data belonging to special categories, and also, if you decide to include it, to the processing of data relating to your image (photos and videos) for the purposes and with the methods described above, in the absence of consent, it will not be possible to carry out further processing and therefore a full evaluation of your candidacy will not be possible.
The provision of personal data is optional with regards to analysis and profiling cookies. In the first case, VBC will not be able to improve its services because it will not be able to access the statistical information relating to the user’s navigation and in the second case the User will not be able to view the video from YouTube (third party, independent Data Controller).
The data will be processed exclusively by staff and collaborators or by those expressly appointed as Data Processor. Apart from these hypotheses, the data will not be disclosed to third parties or disseminated, except in the cases specifically provided for by national or European Union law.
VBC will keep your Personal Data in Italy at its headquarters and will not transfer your personal data to third countries, nor will it be disclosed to third parties, without your prior express consent and / or unless you are required to do so by law or to defend our rights, in our legitimate interest and always in compliance with the GDPR.
Countries not belonging to the European Economic Area (EEA, i.e. EU + Norway, Liechtenstein, Iceland) or to an international organization are considered third countries for the purposes of this information, provided that the suitability of the third country or organization is recognized by decision of the European Commission (Article 45 of EU Regulation 2016/679).
The personal data collected through platforms or social accounts to which the User is connected are not under the direct control of VBC except when the User voluntarily contacts us through them (e.g. message sent to VBC through Facebook, or a sign of appreciation (so-called Like) inserted in a VBC page disclosed through social media) or wishes to voluntarily view a video using “YouTube” (in this case, the user must expressly accept the cookie installed by this third party (YouTube Llc) based in California (USA), who is also an independent Data Controller). In this case, the transfer of the User’s personal data abroad (United States) by YouTube could take place by means of sharing on the aforementioned social media for which the User has knowingly given prior consent to the processing of the aforementioned owners of platforms in which the relevant information should be found.
The data may be transferred abroad to non-European countries, and in particular to the United States, only after verification of the Standard Contractual Clauses adopted/approved by the European Commission pursuant to Article 46, paragraph 2, letters c) and d) of the GDPR or the binding rules for the company referred to in Article 47 of the GDPR or, in the absence thereof, pursuant to one of the derogatory measures referred to in Article 49 of the GDPR.
A copy of the guarantees referred to in Article 46, paragraph 2, letters c) and d) of the GDPR may be obtained by sending an e-mail to the following address: privacy at
Personal data may be collected within systems located outside the European Union other than the US (e.g.: Korea, Japan, etc.) in the cases mentioned in this Policy.
It is recommended to read the policies of the various platforms on which VBC may be present, as these platforms often declare – as independent data controllers – both that they may transfer data abroad and that they may share processed personal data with their business partners.
In any case, VBC will not proceed with the transfer of personal data abroad, however if carried out by VBC, the transfers will be based alternatively on an adequacy decision or on the Standard Contractual Clauses approved by the European Commission.
For Chinese users browsing this site, the European General Data Protection Regulation applies in addition to that related to their browsing experience outlined in the Chinese privacy policy available here.
Your personal data will be stored in the VBC archives for the period strictly necessary to manage the request submitted through the form in the Site Section. Subsequently, such personal data may be stored for any purchases made after contact, up to ten years from the invoice date relating to them or, in the case of mere expression of interest in a specific fabric which is not followed by a purchase, they will be kept for two years for direct marketing in the case of offering services similar to those requested.
The curriculum vitae sent in the “Careers” section are kept for 5 years, also to ensure employment opportunities created by future roles in the Company.
The log files relating to browsing the VBC Site will be kept for 7 days.
The data relating to cookies are stored as indicated in the “Cookie Policy”.
All other personal data are stored for a period of time not exceeding the necessary period for the purposes for which they were collected or subsequently processed in accordance with the provisions of legal obligations.
You have the right to request Vitale Barberis Canonico, at any time, to access your personal data, to request its rectification, erasure or restrict its processing, to object its processing and to request data portability to keep it or pass them on to third parties.
In relation to the purposes that require consent, the Data Subject has the right to revoke the consent previously given without prejudice to the lawfulness of the treatment provided up to that point.
You also have the right at any time to lodge a complaint with the “Garante per la protezione dei dati personali” as the supervisory authority in Italy.
In relation to the processing of personal data by a Social Media provider, they must be put forward to the Social Media provider in question.
Minors under the age of 16 must not give information or personal data to Vitale Barberis Canonico in the absence of parental consent or those who can exercise parental responsibility over them and of a clear and lawful purpose. In the absence of this consent, it will not be possible to register the minor in the appropriate sections where forms can be filled out (“Careers” section and “Client Service” section) and in general, in the VBC archives. VBC invites all those who exercise parental responsibility over minors to inform them about the safe and responsible use of the Internet and the Web and to ensure that unauthorized minors do not access VBC services, without the consent of the person exercising their parental authority.
This Website may, from time to time, provide links to other websites. VBC has no control over these sites and is in no way responsible for their content. This Privacy Policy, therefore, does not cover the use of such websites. Users are encouraged to read the privacy policy or the statements of other sites before using them.
If you wish to share a VBC article shared through its websites through other social tools (e.g. LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, etc.) VBC invites you to read the information provided by the owners of the aforementioned social networks for which VBC has no control, since the aforementioned platforms are independent Data Controllers of your personal data, if you have an account with them and decide to share some content of our site via one or more social networks (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, etc.) for which third-party applications may be activated. (You can deactivate the sharing of your account data with third-party applications by accessing your account settings).
VBC may expand or reduce its business and this may involve the sale and / or transfer of control of all or part of it. The data provided by the Users will, where it is relevant to any branch of our business being transferred, be transferred together with that branch and the new owner or new controlling shareholder will, under the terms of this Policy, be authorized to use the data for the purposes for which the data was originally provided.
In the event that the data sent by Users must be transferred, VBC will inform you via its website of any changes so that you can write to VBC to decide whether to keep your data with the owner or have it erased or to exercise any right provided for by the law concerning the processing of your personal data.