Vitale Barberis Canonico

Wool tales

Vitale Barberis Canonico is proud to present the work of those who, far from fashion catwalks and designer shows, dedicate their lives to the production of the most prized wools in the world. Wool Tales puts the spotlight on Australia, highlighting breeders who, through skill and dedication, supply the best possible raw materials. The quality of our final products cannot help but be founded on a search for excellence up and down the supply chain because this is the first, fundamental ingredient for the creation of quality fabrics.

Wool Excellence Club

Behind the quality of Vitale Barberis Canonico fabrics, there are many people who love their work, carrying it out with competence and passion. Most of all, the Australian breeders who dedicate their lives to the research for excellence and to the well-being of their animals. Vitale Barberis Canonico wanted to bring them together, and created the Wool Excellence Club in 2014, whose aim is to recognise and remunerate the quality of the wool, establishing a direct, individual and enduring relationship with the individual breeders, in a logic of virtuous cooperation. The four pillars on which the club is founded are quality, training, loyalty and sustainability.

Wool Excellence Award

The company has also established the Wool Excellence Award, which annually recognises the farm that has produced the highest-quality wool while ensuring animal welfare, with a financial prize and a trip to Italy to visit Vitale Barberis Canonico’s facilities. The award is open to members of the Club and considers the entire wool supply from the relevant shearing year (July to June). Quality parameters (are evaluated by professional classers, alongside sustainability prerequisites (adherence to at least one Animal Welfare protocol, and paddock raised animals).

On Friday, 15th November, Vitale Barberis Canonico proudly presented the 2024 Wool Excellence Award to the winners, Everard and Matthew Linke from EML Glenholme. They received the award in the splendid setting of the Joseph Chromy wine cellars in Tasmania, in the presence of members of the Wool Excellence Club, of local institutions and the international press.



Glenburnie, Kentucky, New South Wales, by the Hawksford family.


Miena, Lemont, Tasmania, by Desmond Manning and family.


Elenora, Mininera, Western Victoria, by Garry and Sharon Meek.


Uralla, Dog Trap, New England, by the Wood family.


Sierra Park, Victoria Valley, Victoria by the Crawford family.


Coliban Park, Metcalfe, Victoria, by Duncan and Jess Barber


Winton, Tasmania, by the Taylor family


EML Glenholme, Hamilton, Victoria, by Everard and Matthew Linke